Saturday, August 4, 2012

Experiment 327- Ha

Dear Xavier,

I think it's the first time I've laughed in awhile. Just getting your letters and then hearing how much they mean to you as well. It was such an odd sound to hear come from my own mouth. I had to stop, wondering what was wrong with me before I realized it was normal, I was meant to make those kinds of noises, because it meant I was happy. I don't remember the last time I've felt this way, but thank you so much.

I can't help but disagree, but I don't want to argue much on the matter. You seem to be a humble person. Giving up doesn't make you weak you know, just means that you're smart enough to know you want to live another day, because sometimes you need to give up and start over when you are more ready. Going through things when you are not ready is what kills you. If you consider yourself stupid, it seems to me like the word has taken on an entire new meaning.

It is difficult to get rid of, considering it was your entire childhood, but I've heard of so many people suddenly becoming empty shells, refusing to remember and letting whatever happened to them happen. It was sad to see those types of things happen to those people. They died so quickly, it was painful to watch. It was painful to experience their pain when I was made to heal them of their injuries.

I didn't think I would forget. If I ever leave, if I ever get the chance to see outside these walls, I know this place will always linger in my mind, whether I want to forget or not. I hope that one day I will be strong enough to find my way out of this building, some way to escape and perhaps meet with you, because I feel like I have no other purpose at the moment then to keep living and to keep writing these letters to you in hopes of one day I can thank you personally for everything you've done for me.

In all honestly.. If I lose my power I suppose that means I've died. Trust me when I say I would rather push myself and collapse from exhaustion writing you these letters than to have them testing their new machines on me and collapsing that way.

It's amazing you remembered yours with how young you entered and how long you've stayed, but I guess I have no excuse. I'd like to blame them, the way they treated me, I felt like I didn't need to remember anything, but it's my fault. I could have remembered and could have told it to myself everyday, but in the beginning, I gave up and I let them do what they wanted with me without much fight.

Ha. My days are not so interesting. You must remember what they are like, if anything, the only difference is I get to watch those around me injured and crying for help as I am forced to save them. Their wounds become mine and they almost look bitter to know they will live another day. It hurts me to see such an expression, because I wish they were more happy to know they are alive, but unlike me, they have no hopes of escaping. Tomorrow they plan to bring in more scientists, so I've been told by the one who carries these letters between us. Showing off their strongest mutants they have. Unfortunately I seem to be one of them, along with a few others. The only ones who seem to be still fighting. They like that. They like the struggle and then the punishment that comes with it. It's sickening just to think about it.

I am glad to hear you are not alone. How did you meet her? I hope that you two stay together in your travels. It would be difficult staying on your own out there and it would be lonely. Very lonely I imagine. I can understand your feelings with the nightmares. I have them as well and I fear they will only get worse, maybe driving me insane. I'm not one to be paralyzed with fear from them. I scream, the only sound I know, since speaking is forbidden.

He would not tell me much, just they plan on using new machinery to collect people like us. Please be careful with your companion. It would devastate me to hear you've both been caught.

-Experiment 327

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