Saturday, August 4, 2012

Experiment 327- Thank you

Dear Xavier,

I might not know who you are, but just the mere fact you are taking your chances on giving me this letter means so much. I don't care if you hardly write anything. Or if everything I read isn't the truth, just having a letter that I can hold onto, something that isn't a part of this facility, it means very much to me.

I'm sorry to hear you've spent your childhood in a place like this. It's horrible. I can't imagine coming in here as a child and being able to survive for so long as you did. For you to last so long as well as make it out, you must be very strong willed, while the rest of us seem to be quickly losing our hope for survival. I wish that I could be that strong, but I'm stuck in here, begging for some human comfort and just a chance to breathe and eat normal food, not to scrounge around on the floor, crumbled in a heap as I try to collect myself.

It's amazing you still remember so much. The pain and the hurt. The collar, the torture, and the experiments. I can only assume how haunting it is to remember it all and remember there are people still here. If I could wish anything for you, I wish you could forget it all, because you do not deserve this burden that is weighing on your shoulders.

You should not feel sorry for me or for anyone else here. I am sure at the time no one would go with you. No one would dare move for they feared being caught and punished even more. You shouldn't feel this way at all and I'm sorry that you do. Please forgive yourself, because you did what you had to do. These letters are enough. They keep me going knowing that I have someone that I can speak honestly with. Where I can pour out the feelings I have after such a long and torturous day. To have someone willing to listen, it means so much more than you can imagine.

It's hard to say what keeps me going, because I do not know myself. I just have this will still fired inside me and I am afraid that one day it will go out, but due to my power, ending myself isn't easy. I have the power to heal others wounds, but in the process I gain their wound, but if it is a deadly cut to them, it's just a deep cut for me. My body heals very quickly, allowing me to take on those wounds as my own. I'm not sure if I am explaining this to you very well, but my hand is shaking very much and I'm trying my best to write with what I can. They don't feed us often and they have taken a liking to showing me off. Showing off how I can heal someone while taking on their wound, then healing quickly myself. It leaves me weak after awhile and even now it is difficult to hold this pencil in my hands, but I am determined to finish.

I don't remember so much before all this.. I don't even remember my own name, which I regret forgetting, because then I would be able to offer my name to you as you have done for me. Everything before this is a blur, right now it seemed difficult to remember, my memories are very foggy, but I will try harder to remember so that I can have stories to tell you as well, but right now. I am much more interested in hearing about you. If you don't mind talking to me about how things are now. Do you travel alone? How are things for you now? Have you crossed paths with other people that are like us?

Please tell me anything you are willing to share. The feed the fire that keeps me going and I hate to admit, but I need it. Their testing has been getting worse, they seem impatient almost, and it is taken out on us. Although they always seemed a bit impatient, huh?

-Experiment 327

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